As Sue says in her always engaging reports about the recent Spring Bird Survey – ‘ It was ‘good weather for ducks’, as the saying goes, but not for the rest of us!’ The feature photo by Susan Carden seems to express that even the ducks were a little cold.  The Crested Pigeon is definitely feeling it. (Photo- Susan Carden)

But our very hardy Bird Surveyors still got out there and completed the monthly reporting. Sue mentioned we had four new members come out which says something for the marvellous pull of this unique Nature Reserve. Thank you to everyone involved in this effort as it all adds to a terrific long term project capturing the changes in the reserve as the place develops. Citizen science efforts like this allow for people without a scientific background to get engaged with conservation initiatives and learn more about the Yalukit Willam Nature Reserve. It also provides a valuable resource to our community association, helping to provide much needed data on the changes in the bird communities here.


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