Female Australian Wood Duck with young. Photo: Danny Fog. Yalukit Willam Nature Reserve bird survey 12 October 2024 Thank you Sue for another wonderful Bird Report! And welcome Hayley our new Bird Survey…

Female Australian Wood Duck with young. Photo: Danny Fog. Yalukit Willam Nature Reserve bird survey 12 October 2024 Thank you Sue for another wonderful Bird Report! And welcome Hayley our new Bird Survey…
YWNA is made up of many skilled and enthusiastic volunteers who contribute to the vitality and success of the Yalukit Willam Nature Reserve. The YWNA committee is very grateful to the early birds,…
Interesting news!! ‘Excitingly, our data seems to indicate that new birds are acclimatising to Chain of Ponds areas E and F, with a potential shift in distribution and an increase in bird populations.…
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Excerpt -Fourteen observers met at 7.15 am on a glorious warm (17° C) February morning, with golden mist rising across the parks. At first, the low sun made it hard to see, but…
Yalukit Willam Nature Reserve bird survey
8 October 2022
Nine observers turned up for our 7.30 am October survey. After heavy rain during the previous day and night, we were blessed with a still, sunny (11° C) morning and 3 photographers to capture the action. Inevitably, there was standing water in some grassy areas and paths, and strong water flow into Elster Canal from the original pond in Area A.
Featured photo- Pacific Black ducklings- Danny Fog A huge thanks to the Bird Survey team for their monthly work – the detailed report for August is embedded below from last Saturday’s survey. The…